Library Eta

Require Import Untyped.
Require Import Subst.
Require Import Rels.
Require Import Relation_Operators.
Require Import Relation_Definitions.
Require Import Coq.Structures.Equalities.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Compare_dec.

Module Export Eta.


We define eta conversion as the compatible closure of the eta_base relation. In literature eta-conversion is usually specified as:
λx. (f x) f, if x is not free in f
Using de Bruijn indices this corresponds to ensuring that f contains no references to the variable with index 0 (or any of it's lifted occurrences), which can be expressed by the condition
f = shift 0 g
ensuring that all variables in g are of higher binding level.
Moreover, after the eta-conversion we have lost one λ binder, hence we "un-shift" f to g.

Inductive eta_prim : ltermltermProp :=
   eta_base (f g: lterm): (f = shift 0 g) → eta_prim (Lam (App f (Var 0))) g.

We defined eta as the compatible closure of the primitive relation.

Definition eta := clos_compat eta_prim.

A couple of examples to make sure our definition works with at least the basic cases:

Example ex1_eta : eta (\"x" ~> ((\"y" ~> `"y") $ `"x")) (\"x" ~> `"x").
  apply clos_base. apply eta_base. unfold shift. auto.

Example ex2_eta: eta (Lam (App (Lam (Lam (Var 1))) (Var 0))) (Lam (Lam (Var 1))).
  apply clos_base. apply eta_base. unfold shift. auto.

Example ex3_eta: ¬ eta (Lam (App (Lam (Var 1)) (Var 0))) (Lam (Var 0)).
  unfold not. intros. inversion H.
  inversion H0. discriminate.
  inversion H2. inversion H3.

We prove a couple of substitution lemmas regarding eta.
eta_prim is substitutive (as per Barendregt's definition)

Lemma eta_prim_substitutive:
   (M N L: lterm) (n: nat),
    eta_prim M Neta_prim (subst n L M) (subst n L N).
  assert (Sn_eq: n + 1 = S n). omega.
  destruct H.
  assert (HH: subst n L (Lam (App f (Var 0))) =
               Lam (App (subst (S n) L f) (Var 0))).
  rewrite Sn_eq. auto.
  rewrite HH.
  apply eta_base.
  unfold shift.
  rewrite lift_lem2. simpl. rewrite H. rewrite Sn_eq.
  unfold shift.
  reflexivity. omega.

Lemma eta_substitutive:
   (M N L: lterm) (n: nat),
  eta M Neta (subst n L M) (subst n L N).
  intros. generalize dependent n. generalize dependent L.
  unfold eta.
  induction H.
  intros. apply clos_base. apply eta_prim_substitutive. assumption.
  intros. apply clos_lam. apply IHclos_compat.
  intros. apply clos_appl. apply IHclos_compat.
  intros. apply clos_appr. apply IHclos_compat.

We now show that eta is closed under lift

Lemma eta_prim_lift_closed:
   M N, b k,
    eta_prim M Neta_prim (lift k b M) (lift k b N).
  generalize dependent b. generalize dependent k.
  dependent induction H.
  intros. rewrite H.
  case_eq (lt_dec 0 (b+1)).
  unfold shift.
  apply eta_base. unfold shift.
  rewrite lift_lift_rev.
  replace (b + 1 - 1) with b by omega. reflexivity.
  intros. omega.

Lemma eta_lift_closed:
   M N, b k,
    eta M Neta (lift k b M) (lift k b N).
  induction M.
  inversion_clear H. inversion_clear H0.

  inversion_clear H. apply eta_prim_lift_closed with (b := b) (k := k) in H0.
  constructor. assumption.

  simpl. apply clos_lam. apply IHM. assumption.

  inversion_clear H. inversion_clear H0.
  simpl. apply clos_appl. apply IHM1. assumption.
  simpl. apply clos_appr. apply IHM2. assumption.

Reflexive-transitive closure of η-conversion

We now show eta_star is closed under all lterms

Lemma eta_star_lam_closed:
   M N,
    eta_star M Neta_star (Lam M) (Lam N).
  dependent induction H.
  apply clos_lam in H. assumption. apply rt_refl.
  apply rt_trans with (Lam y); assumption.

Lemma eta_star_app_closed_l:
   M M' N,
    eta_star M M'eta_star (App M N) (App M' N).
  dependent induction H.
  constructor. apply clos_appl. assumption.
  apply rt_refl.
  apply rt_trans with (App y N); assumption.

Lemma eta_star_app_closed_r:
   M N N',
    eta_star N N'eta_star (App M N) (App M N').
  dependent induction H.
  constructor. apply clos_appr. assumption.
  apply rt_refl.
  apply rt_trans with (App M y); assumption.

Lemma eta_star_app_closed:
   M M' N N',
    eta_star M M'eta_star N N'eta_star (App M N) (App M' N').
  intros ? ? ? ?. intros H1 H2.
  apply rt_trans with (App M N').
  apply eta_star_app_closed_r. assumption.
  apply eta_star_app_closed_l. assumption.

Additionally, eta_star is closed under lifting

Lemma eta_star_lift_closed:
   M N, k b,
    eta_star M Neta_star (lift k b M) (lift k b N).
  dependent induction H.
  constructor. apply eta_lift_closed. assumption.
  apply eta_star_refl.
  apply eta_star_trans with (lift k b y).
  assumption. assumption.

Finally, we show that eta_star is closed under the same primitive relation as eta

Lemma eta_star_base_closed:
   M N N',
    (M = shift 0 N) → eta_star N N'
          eta_star (Lam (App M (Var 0))) N'.
  rewrite H. clear H. clear M.
  dependent induction H0.
  apply rt_trans with (Lam (App (shift 0 y) (Var 0))).
  apply eta_star_lam_closed. apply eta_star_app_closed.
  apply eta_star_lift_closed. constructor. assumption.
  apply rt_refl.
  constructor. apply clos_base. apply eta_base. reflexivity.
  constructor. apply clos_base. apply eta_base. reflexivity.

  apply rt_trans with (Lam (App (shift 0 y) (Var 0))).
  apply eta_star_lam_closed. apply eta_star_app_closed.
  apply eta_star_lift_closed. assumption. apply rt_refl.

Parallel eta conversion

We now define parallel eta conversion eta_par, it is a trivial translation from the one in the paper, except for the case eta_par_base, in which one needs to do the same translation as for eta_prim.

Inductive eta_par : ltermltermProp :=
  | eta_par_var: n,
        eta_par (Var n) (Var n)
  | eta_par_lam: M M',
        eta_par M M'eta_par (Lam M) (Lam M')
  | eta_par_app: M M' N N',
        eta_par M M'eta_par N N'eta_par (App M N) (App M' N')
  | eta_par_base: M N N',
        (M = shift 0 N) → eta_par N N'
          eta_par (Lam (App M (Var 0))) N'.

Some general properties about eta_par
Parallel eta is reflexive on all lterms

Lemma eta_par_refl:
   t, eta_par t t.
  induction t.
  apply eta_par_lam.
  apply eta_par_app.
  assumption. assumption.

Parallel eta is closed under lifting

Lemma eta_par_lift_closed:
   M N, k b,
    eta_par M Neta_par (lift k b M) (lift k b N).
  generalize dependent k.
  generalize dependent b.
  dependent induction H.
  intros. apply eta_par_refl.
  simpl. intros. constructor. apply IHeta_par.
  simpl. intros. constructor. apply IHeta_par1. apply IHeta_par2.

  simpl. intros.
  replace (b +1) with (S b) by omega. simpl.
  unfold shift. replace (S b) with (b+1) by omega.
  rewrite H.
  apply eta_par_base with (lift k b N).
  unfold shift. replace (S b) with (b+1) by omega.
  rewrite lift_lift_rev. replace (b+1-1) with b by omega.
  reflexivity. omega.
  apply IHeta_par.

eta_par is substitutive

Lemma eta_par_substitutive:
   (M N L: lterm) (n: nat),
  eta_par M Neta_par (subst n L M) (subst n L N).
  intros. generalize dependent n.
  dependent induction H.
  intros. apply eta_par_refl.
  simpl. constructor. apply IHeta_par.
  simpl. constructor. apply IHeta_par1. apply IHeta_par2.
  simpl. replace (n+1) with (S n) by omega.
  rewrite H. replace (S n) with (n+1) by omega.
  rewrite <- lift_lem2.
  apply eta_par_base with (subst n L N). reflexivity.
  apply IHeta_par. omega.

eta_par is fully closed under parallel substitution

Lemma eta_par_subst_closed:
   (M M' N N': lterm), n,
    eta_par M M'eta_par N N'eta_par (subst n N M) (subst n N' M').
  intros. generalize dependent n.
  dependent induction H. intros. simpl.
  case_eq (nat_compare n n0).
  apply eta_par_lift_closed. assumption.
  intros. apply eta_par_refl.
  intros. apply eta_par_refl.

  intros. simpl. apply eta_par_lam. apply IHeta_par. assumption.
  intros. simpl. apply eta_par_app. apply IHeta_par1. assumption.
                                    apply IHeta_par2. assumption.

  simpl. replace (n+1) with (S n) by omega. simpl.
  rewrite H. simpl.
  apply eta_par_base with (subst n N N0).
  unfold shift. replace (S n) with (n+1) by omega.
  rewrite lift_lem2. reflexivity.
  apply IHeta_par. assumption.

We now describe the relationships between eta, eta_par and eta_star
eta implies eta_par

Lemma eta_imp_eta_par:
   M N, eta M Neta_par M N.
  dependent induction H.
  destruct H. apply eta_par_base with g. assumption.
  apply eta_par_refl.
  constructor. assumption.
  constructor. assumption. apply eta_par_refl.
  constructor. apply eta_par_refl. assumption.

eta_par implies eta_star

Lemma eta_par_imp_eta_star:
   M N,
    eta_par M Neta_star M N.
  dependent induction H.
  apply rt_refl.
  apply eta_star_lam_closed. assumption.
  apply eta_star_app_closed; assumption.
  apply eta_star_base_closed with N; assumption.

The transitive closure of eta_par
Finally, we show that eta_star is equivalent to the transitive closure of eta_par

Lemma eta_star_eq_closure_of_eta_par:
   M N,
    eta_star M N eta_par_trans M N.

  dependent induction H.
  constructor. apply eta_imp_eta_par. assumption.
  constructor. apply eta_par_refl.
  apply t_trans with y; assumption.

  dependent induction H.
  apply eta_par_imp_eta_star. assumption.

  apply rt_trans with y; assumption.

We now define a function for expressing a k-fold eta expansion of an lterm.

Fixpoint lam_k (k: nat) (M: lterm) : lterm :=
  match k with
    | 0 ⇒ M
     Note: This should have probably been defined in a tail-recursive way, as:

       (S n) lam_k (App (shift 0 M) (Var 0))

      since it is much easier to work with. However,
      I realised this way too late, so left it this way in order to avoid
      modifying existing proofs. Instead, an equivalence of these definitions
      is proved in the lam_k_alt lemma.

    | (S n) ⇒ Lam (App (shift 0 (lam_k n M)) (Var 0))

Lemma lam_k_alt:
   k, M,
    lam_k (S k) M = lam_k k (Lam (App (shift 0 M) (Var 0))).
  induction k.
  intros. simpl. reflexivity.
  simpl. do 4 f_equal. rewrite <- IHk. simpl.

A trivial fact

Example lam_k_zero:
   M, lam_k 0 M = M.

This commutativity lemma which will be useful later.

Lemma shift_0_lam_commute:
     n, t,
      shift 0 (lam_k n t) = (lam_k n (shift 0 t)).
    induction n.
    (* n := 0 *)
        simpl. reflexivity.
    (* n := (S n) *)
        intros. simpl. unfold shift. simpl.
        f_equal. f_equal.
        rewrite lift_fuse. simpl. rewrite <- IHn. unfold shift.
        rewrite lift_fuse. simpl.
        reflexivity. simpl. auto. simpl. auto.

We now prove some basic properties about the relationship between eta and lam_k. (This is Lemma 3.2 in the Takahashi paper.)

(* Lemma 3.2 (1) *)
Lemma eta_par_lam_k_var:
   M, n,
    eta_par M (Var n) ( k, M = lam_k k (Var n)).
  intros. split.
  (* -> *)
      (* trivial induction on the definition of eta_par *)
      dependent induction H.
      apply lam_k_zero.
      destruct IHeta_par.
      rewrite H.
       (S x). simpl. f_equal.
  (* <- *)
      (* clean up our hypothesis a bit *)
      destruct H.
      rewrite H.
      clear H. clear M.
      generalize dependent n.
      generalize dependent x.
      (* again, just perform simple induction on k *)
      intro k.
      induction k.
          apply eta_par_var.

          apply eta_par_base with (lam_k k (Var n)).
          apply IHk.

(* Lemma 3.2 (2), the proof technique is essentially the same as for

Lemma eta_par_lam_k_app:
   M N_1 N_2,
    eta_par M (App N_1 N_2)
    ( k, M_1 M_2,
         (eta_par M_1 N_1) (eta_par M_2 N_2) M = lam_k k (App M_1 M_2)).
    (* -> *)
    dependent induction H.
     0. simpl.
    destruct IHeta_par.
     (S x).
    destruct H as [M_1].
    destruct H as [M_2].
    split. destruct H.
    destruct H. destruct H1.
    split. assumption.
    apply f_equal.
    f_equal. rewrite H2. reflexivity.
    (* <- *)
    destruct H as [k].
    generalize dependent M.
    generalize dependent N_1.
    generalize dependent N_2.
    induction k.
    (* k := 0 *)
        destruct H as [M_1].
        destruct H as [M_2].
        destruct H as [H1].
        destruct H as [H2].
        rewrite H.
        simpl. apply eta_par_app. assumption. assumption.
    (* k := (S k) *)
        simpl in H.
        destruct H as [M_1].
        destruct H as [M_2].
        destruct H as [H1].
        destruct H as [H2].
        rewrite H.
        apply eta_par_base with (lam_k k (App M_1 M_2)).
        apply IHk.
        split. assumption.
        split. assumption.

(* Lemma 3.2 (3), the situation is again similar to the previous two
    cases *)

Lemma eta_par_lam_k_lam:
   M N,
        eta_par M (Lam N)
        ( k, M', (eta_par M' N) (M = lam_k k (Lam M'))).
  (* -> *)
    dependent induction H.
     0. M.
    split. assumption.
    simpl. reflexivity.
    destruct IHeta_par as [k].
    destruct H as [M'].
    destruct H as [H1].
     (S k).
    split. assumption.
    simpl. rewrite H. f_equal.

  (* <- *)
    destruct H as [k].
    generalize dependent M.
    generalize dependent N.
    induction k.
    (* k := 0 *)
        intros. destruct H as [M'].
        destruct H as [H1].
        rewrite H.
        simpl. apply eta_par_lam. assumption.

    (* k := (S k) *)
        destruct H as [M'].
        destruct H as [H1].
        rewrite H.
        apply eta_par_base with (lam_k k (Lam M')).
        apply IHk.
        split. assumption.

Finally, we include this simple lemma which will be useful later.

(* Parallel eta is closed under eta-expansion in the co-domain *)
Lemma lam_k_eta_red:
   k, M N,
    eta_par M Neta_par (lam_k k M) N.
  induction k.

  simpl. assumption.

  simpl. apply eta_par_base with (lam_k k M).
  apply IHk. assumption.

End Eta.