Library Subst
Require Export Untyped.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Compare_dec.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Plus.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Lt.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Compare_dec.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Plus.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Lt.
(l)ift (t)erms by some (l)evel if greater or equal the (b)ound
Fixpoint lift (l: nat) (b: nat) (t: lterm) : lterm :=
match t with
| Var i as v ⇒ if (lt_dec i b) then v else Var (i+l)
| App m n ⇒ App (lift l b m) (lift l b n)
| Lam t ⇒ Lam (lift l (b+1) t)
Definition shift (b: nat) (t: lterm) : lterm :=
lift 1 b t.
Fixpoint subst (v: nat) (r: lterm) (t: lterm) : lterm :=
match t with
| Var i ⇒ match (nat_compare i v) with
| Lt ⇒ Var i
| Eq ⇒ lift v 0 r
| Gt ⇒ Var (i - 1)
| App m n ⇒ App (subst v r m) (subst v r n)
| Lam m ⇒ Lam (subst (v+1) r m)
Lemma lift_0_ident:
∀ M, ∀ b,
lift 0 b M = M.
induction M.
intros. simpl. replace (n + 0) with n. case (lt_dec n b).
reflexivity. reflexivity.
simpl. intros. rewrite IHM. reflexivity.
simpl. intros. rewrite IHM1. rewrite IHM2. reflexivity.
The following lemmas are described in Berghofer and Urban, who
seem to trace down these due to Huet
Lemma lift_fuse:
∀ (N: lterm) (i j n m: nat),
i ≤ j ≤ i + m → lift n j (lift m i N) = lift (n+m) i N.
induction N as [k | N1 N2 | N1].
(* N := Var k *)
intros. simpl. case_eq (lt_dec k i).
(* k < i *)
intros. simpl. assert (k < j).
apply lt_le_trans with i. assumption. apply H.
destruct (lt_dec k j). reflexivity. contradict H1. auto.
(* k >= i *)
intros. simpl.
destruct (lt_dec (k+m) j). contradict l. omega. apply f_equal.
(* N := Lam .. *)
intros. simpl. apply f_equal. rewrite N2. reflexivity. omega.
(* N := App .. .. *)
intros. simpl. rewrite IHN1. rewrite IHN2. auto. auto. auto.
Lemma lift_lem2:
∀ (N L: lterm) (i j k: nat),
k ≤ j → lift i k (subst j L N) = subst (j+i) L (lift i k N).
induction N as [v | N' | N1 ].
(* N := Var v *)
intros. simpl. case_eq (nat_compare v j).
(* v Eq j *)
intros. apply nat_compare_eq in H0. rewrite lift_fuse.
destruct (lt_dec v k).
(* v < k *)
simpl. case_eq (nat_compare v (j + i)).
(* Eq *)
rewrite plus_comm. reflexivity.
(* Lt *)
contradict l. omega.
(* Gt *)
intros. apply nat_compare_gt in H1. contradict H1. omega.
(* ~ v < k *)
simpl. case_eq (nat_compare (v+i) (j+i)).
(* Eq *)
intros. rewrite plus_comm. reflexivity.
(* Lt *)
intros. apply nat_compare_lt in H1. contradict H1. omega.
(* Gt *)
intros. apply nat_compare_gt in H1. contradict H1. omega.
split. omega. omega.
(* v Lt j *)
intros. apply nat_compare_lt in H0. destruct (lt_dec v k).
(* v < k *)
simpl. destruct (lt_dec v k).
(* v < k *)
case_eq (nat_compare v (j + i)).
(* Eq *)
intros. apply nat_compare_eq in H1. contradict H0. omega.
(* Lt *)
intros. reflexivity.
(* Gt *)
intros. apply nat_compare_gt in H1. contradict H1. omega.
(* ~ v < k *)
(* ~ v < k *)
simpl. destruct (lt_dec v k).
(* v < k *)
(* ~ v < k *)
case_eq (nat_compare (v+i) (j+i)).
(* Eq *)
intros. apply nat_compare_eq in H1. contradict H0. omega.
(* Lt *)
intros. reflexivity.
(* Gt *)
intros. apply nat_compare_gt in H1. contradict H0. omega.
(* v Gt j *)
intros. apply nat_compare_gt in H0. simpl. destruct (lt_dec (v - 1) k).
(* v - 1 < k *)
contradict l. omega.
(* ~ v - 1 < k *)
destruct (lt_dec v k).
(* v < k *)
contradict l. omega.
(* ~ v < k *)
simpl. case_eq (nat_compare (v + i) (j + i)).
(* Eq *)
intros. apply nat_compare_eq in H1. contradict H0. omega.
(* Lt *)
intros. apply nat_compare_lt in H1. contradict H0. omega.
(* Gt *)
intros. apply nat_compare_gt in H1. f_equal. omega.
(* N := Lam N' *)
intros. simpl. f_equal.
assert (U: j + 1 + i = j + i + 1). omega. rewrite <- U.
apply (IHN' L i (j+1) (k+1)). omega.
(* N := App N1 N2 *)
intros. simpl. f_equal.
apply IHN1. assumption.
apply IHN2. assumption.
Lemma lift_lem3:
∀ (L P: lterm) (i j k: nat),
k ≤ i < k + (j + 1) → subst i P (lift (j+1) k L) = lift j k L.
intro L. induction L.
intros. simpl. destruct (lt_dec n k).
intros. simpl. assert (n < i). apply lt_le_trans with k. assumption. apply H.
apply nat_compare_lt in H0. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
simpl. apply not_lt in n0. assert (i < n + (j + 1)). omega.
apply nat_compare_gt in H0. rewrite H0. apply f_equal. omega.
intros. simpl. apply f_equal. apply IHL. omega.
intros. simpl. rewrite IHL1. rewrite IHL2. reflexivity.
auto. auto.
We now proceed to prove the substitution lemma
(* variable case of the substitution lemma *)
Lemma var_subst_lemma: ∀ (i j n: nat), ∀ (N L: lterm),
(i ≤ j) →
subst j L (subst i N (Var n)) =
subst i (subst (j-i) L N) (subst (j+1) L (Var n)).
intros. simpl. case_eq (nat_compare n i).
(* n = i *)
intros. simpl. apply nat_compare_eq in H0. rewrite H0. simpl.
assert (i < j + 1). omega. apply nat_compare_lt in H1. rewrite H1.
simpl. assert (i = i). reflexivity. apply nat_compare_eq_iff in H2.
rewrite H2. clear H1 H2. rewrite lift_lem2.
assert (Jeq: j - i + i = j). omega. rewrite Jeq. reflexivity. omega.
(* n < i *)
simpl. intros. apply nat_compare_lt in H0.
assert (n < j). omega. assert (n < j + 1). omega.
apply nat_compare_lt in H0.
apply nat_compare_lt in H1.
apply nat_compare_lt in H2.
rewrite H1, H2. simpl. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
(* n > i *)
apply nat_compare_gt in H0.
case_eq (nat_compare n (j + 1)).
(* n = j + 1 *)
intros. apply nat_compare_eq in H1. rewrite H1.
assert (Jeq: j + 1 - 1 = j). omega. rewrite Jeq. simpl.
assert (HH: nat_compare j j = Eq). assert (JJ: j = j). reflexivity.
apply nat_compare_eq_iff in JJ. assumption.
rewrite HH. rewrite lift_lem3. reflexivity. omega.
(* n < j + 1 *)
intros. apply nat_compare_lt in H1. simpl.
assert (HLt: nat_compare (n-1) j = Lt).
assert (n - 1 < j). omega. apply nat_compare_lt in H2. assumption.
rewrite HLt.
assert (Hgt: nat_compare n i = Gt).
apply nat_compare_gt in H0. assumption.
rewrite Hgt.
(* n > j + 1 *)
intros. apply nat_compare_gt in H1. simpl.
assert (Ineq1: nat_compare (n - 1) j = Gt).
assert (F: n - 1 > j). omega.
apply nat_compare_gt in F. assumption. rewrite Ineq1.
assert (Ineq2: nat_compare (n - 1) i = Gt).
assert (n - 1 > i). omega. apply nat_compare_gt in H2. assumption.
rewrite Ineq2.
The substitution lemma.
The named version looks like this:
x =/= y and x not free in L implies:
M[x/N][y/L] = M[y/L][x/(N[y/L])]
Lemma× subst_lemma: ∀ (M N L: lterm), ∀ (i j: nat),
(i ≤ j) →
subst j L (subst i N M) = subst i (subst (j-i) L N) (subst (j+1) L M).
induction M.
intros. intros. apply var_subst_lemma. assumption.
intros. simpl. apply f_equal. rewrite IHM.
assert (AllGood: j + 1 - (i + 1) = j - i). omega.
rewrite AllGood. reflexivity. omega.
intros. simpl. rewrite IHM1. rewrite IHM2. reflexivity.
auto. auto.
A few other useful lemmas about lift and subst.
Attempting to substitute a variable with index k in a term which is
already shifted by k simply un-shifts the term:
Lemma subst_shift_ident:
∀ t, ∀ k v,
subst k v (shift k t) = t.
induction t.
unfold shift. intros.
case_eq (lt_dec n k).
intros. simpl. clear H. rewrite nat_compare_lt in l. rewrite l.
intros. simpl.
case_eq (nat_compare (n+1) k). intros. apply nat_compare_eq_iff in H0. omega.
intros. apply nat_compare_lt in H0. omega.
intros. f_equal. omega.
intros. simpl. f_equal.
apply IHt.
intros. simpl. f_equal. apply IHt1. apply IHt2.
Similarly, if the variable we're substituting in is Var 0, then
it gets unshifted even more:
Lemma subst_k_shift_S_k:
∀ t, ∀ k,
subst k (Var 0) (shift (S k) t) = t.
induction t.
unfold shift. simpl.
case_eq (lt_dec n 1).
intros. simpl. assert (HH: n = 0). omega.
rewrite HH. simpl.
case_eq (lt_dec k 1).
intros. simpl. assert (HHH: k = 0). omega.
rewrite HHH. reflexivity.
case_eq (lt_dec 0 k).
intros. simpl. destruct k.
reflexivity. reflexivity.
intros. omega.
case_eq (lt_dec n k).
intros. simpl.
case_eq (nat_compare n k).
intros. apply nat_compare_eq_iff in H1. f_equal. auto.
rewrite H1.
case_eq (lt_dec k (S k)).
intros. simpl. replace (nat_compare k k) with Eq. reflexivity.
symmetry. apply nat_compare_eq_iff. reflexivity.
intros. omega. intros. apply nat_compare_lt in H1.
case_eq (lt_dec n (S k)).
intros. simpl.
replace (nat_compare n k) with Lt. reflexivity.
symmetry. apply nat_compare_lt. assumption.
intros. omega. intros. apply nat_compare_gt in H1. omega.
case_eq (lt_dec n (S k)).
intros. assert (n = k). omega. rewrite H2.
simpl. replace (nat_compare k k) with Eq.
reflexivity. symmetry. apply nat_compare_eq_iff. reflexivity.
intros. simpl.
replace (nat_compare (n+1) k) with Gt. f_equal. omega.
symmetry. apply nat_compare_gt. omega.
intros. simpl. f_equal. apply IHt.
intros. simpl. f_equal. apply IHt1. apply IHt2.
Given compatible bounds, a sequence of lifts commutes in a very specific
Lemma lift_lift:
∀ M, ∀ b1 b2 k1 k2,
b1 ≤ b2 →
lift k1 b1 (lift k2 b2 M) = lift k2 (k1 + b2) (lift k1 b1 M).
induction M.
case_eq (lt_dec n b1).
case_eq (lt_dec n b2).
simpl. rewrite H0.
case_eq (lt_dec n (k1 + b2)).
intros. reflexivity.
intros. omega.
intros. omega.
case_eq (lt_dec n b2).
intros. simpl.
rewrite H0.
case_eq (lt_dec (n+k1) (k1+b2)).
intros. reflexivity.
intros. omega.
intros. simpl.
case_eq (lt_dec (n+k2) b1).
intros. omega. intros.
case_eq (lt_dec (n+k1) (k1+b2)).
intros. omega.
intros. f_equal. omega.
f_equal. rewrite IHM.
f_equal. omega. omega.
simpl. f_equal. apply IHM1. omega.
apply IHM2. omega.
This is a reverse statement of lift_lift:
Lemma lift_lift_rev:
∀ wk k ws s t,
k ≥ s + ws →
lift wk k (lift ws s t) = lift ws s (lift wk (k - ws) t).
replace k with (ws + (k - ws)) by omega.
rewrite <- lift_lift by omega.
replace (ws + (k - ws) - ws) with (k - ws) by omega.
lift distributes over subst, also in a specific way:
Lemma lift_distr_subst:
∀ M N, ∀ v, ∀ i b,
v ≤ b →
lift i b (subst v N M) = subst v (lift i (b-v) N) (lift i (b+1) M).
induction M. intros N v.
generalize dependent N.
generalize dependent n.
induction v.
intros ? ? ? ? HH. simpl. case_eq (nat_compare n 0).
intros H. apply nat_compare_eq_iff in H. rewrite H. simpl.
replace (b + 1) with (S b) by omega. simpl.
rewrite lift_0_ident. rewrite lift_0_ident.
replace (b - 0) with b by omega. reflexivity.
intros. simpl. apply nat_compare_lt in H. omega.
intros. simpl. apply nat_compare_gt in H.
assert (H1: ∃ n', n = (S n')).
inversion H. ∃ 0. reflexivity.
∃ m. reflexivity.
destruct H1. rewrite H0. replace (S x - 1) with x by omega.
simpl. replace (b +1) with (S b) by omega.
case_eq (lt_dec x b).
intros. case_eq (lt_dec (S x) (S b)).
intros. simpl. f_equal. omega.
intros. omega. intros.
case_eq (lt_dec (S x) (S b)). intros. simpl. omega.
intros. simpl. f_equal. omega.
intros ? ? ? ? HH. simpl.
case_eq (nat_compare n (S v)).
intros H. apply nat_compare_eq_iff in H.
rewrite H. simpl.
case_eq (lt_dec (S v) (b + 1)).
simpl. replace (nat_compare v v) with Eq.
replace b with (((b - S v) + (S v))) by omega.
rewrite lift_lift_rev. reflexivity.
omega. symmetry. apply nat_compare_eq_iff. reflexivity.
intros. simpl.
case_eq (nat_compare (v+i) v).
intros. apply nat_compare_eq_iff in H1.
assert (HHH: i = 0). omega.
rewrite HHH. rewrite lift_0_ident.
f_equal. rewrite lift_0_ident. reflexivity.
intros. apply nat_compare_lt in H1.
omega. intros. apply nat_compare_gt in H1.
apply nat_compare_lt in H.
case_eq (lt_dec n b).
case_eq (lt_dec n (b+1)).
simpl. intros.
replace (nat_compare n (S v)) with Lt.
reflexivity. symmetry. apply nat_compare_lt. assumption.
intros. omega.
intros. omega.
intros. apply nat_compare_gt in H.
simpl. case_eq (lt_dec (n - 1) b).
intros. case_eq (lt_dec n (b+1)).
intros. simpl. replace (nat_compare n (S v)) with Gt.
reflexivity. symmetry. apply nat_compare_gt. assumption.
intros. omega.
intros. case_eq (lt_dec n (b+1)). intros.
omega. intros. simpl.
case_eq (nat_compare (n+i) (S v)).
intros. apply nat_compare_eq_iff in H2.
intros. apply nat_compare_lt in H2.
intros. f_equal. omega.
simpl. f_equal.
rewrite IHM. f_equal. f_equal. omega. omega.
intros. simpl. f_equal. apply IHM1. omega.
apply IHM2. omega.
Finally, some trivialities for convenient rewriting.
Lemma subst_app : ∀ t1 t2 t3, ∀ n,
subst n t3 (App t1 t2) = App (subst n t3 t1) (subst n t3 t2).
Proof. intros. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma subst_lam : ∀ t t', ∀ n,
subst n t' (Lam t) = Lam (subst (n+1) t' t).
Proof. intros. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma lift_app : ∀ t t' n k,
lift n k (App t t') = App (lift n k t) (lift n k t').
Proof. intros. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma lift_lam : ∀ t n k,
lift n k (Lam t) = Lam (lift n (k+1) t).
Proof. intros. reflexivity. Qed.