Library Untyped
Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Coq.Arith.EqNat.
Module Export DeBruijn.
Inductive lterm : Type :=
| Var : nat → lterm
| Lam : lterm → lterm
| App : lterm → lterm → lterm.
End DeBruijn.
Module PrettyTerm.
Inductive pterm : Type :=
| Var : string → pterm
| Lam : string → pterm → pterm
| App : pterm → pterm → pterm.
End PrettyTerm.
Require Import List.
Require Import Coq.Arith.EqNat.
Module Export DeBruijn.
Inductive lterm : Type :=
| Var : nat → lterm
| Lam : lterm → lterm
| App : lterm → lterm → lterm.
End DeBruijn.
Module PrettyTerm.
Inductive pterm : Type :=
| Var : string → pterm
| Lam : string → pterm → pterm
| App : pterm → pterm → pterm.
End PrettyTerm.
We introduce some notational conveniences for pretty lambda terms.
Notation "` x" := (PrettyTerm.Var x) (at level 20).
Notation "\ x ~> M" := (PrettyTerm.Lam x M) (at level 30).
Infix "$" := PrettyTerm.App (at level 25, left associativity).
Example prettier :
(\"f" ~> `"f" $ \"x" ~> `"x" $ `"y") =
PrettyTerm.Lam "f"
(PrettyTerm.Var "f")
(PrettyTerm.Lam "x"
(PrettyTerm.Var "x")
(PrettyTerm.Var "y")))).
Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed.
Since we don't really want to work with pretty (named) terms, we provide a function
dename for converting pretty terms to De Bruijn terms.
Fixpoint lookup (s: string) (ls: list (string × nat)) : option nat :=
match ls with
| nil ⇒ None
| (x, n) :: t ⇒ if string_dec x s then Some n else lookup s t
Fixpoint hide (s: string) (ls: list (string × nat)) : list (string × nat) :=
match ls with
| nil ⇒ (s, 0) :: nil
| (x, n) :: t ⇒ if string_dec x s then (x, 0) :: hide s t else (x, n + 1) :: hide s t
Fixpoint dename' (t: PrettyTerm.pterm) (binds: list (string × nat)) : lterm :=
match t with
| PrettyTerm.Var s ⇒ match lookup s binds with
| Some n ⇒ Var n
| None ⇒ Var 0
| PrettyTerm.Lam s t ⇒ Lam (dename' t (hide s binds))
| PrettyTerm.App t1 t2 ⇒ App (dename' t1 binds) (dename' t2 binds)
Definition dename (t : PrettyTerm.pterm) : lterm :=
dename' t nil.
Coercion dename : PrettyTerm.pterm >-> lterm.
To convince ourselves of the correctness of dename, let us briefly look at what
it does to the combinators K and S.
Using the coercion defined above, the explicit call to dename can be removed
(after reordering of the terms to coerce in the right direction).