Library Untyped

Require Import String.
Require Import List.
Require Import Coq.Arith.EqNat.

Module Export DeBruijn.

Inductive lterm : Type :=
  | Var : natlterm
  | Lam : ltermlterm
  | App : ltermltermlterm.

End DeBruijn.

Module PrettyTerm.

Inductive pterm : Type :=
  | Var : stringpterm
  | Lam : stringptermpterm
  | App : ptermptermpterm.

End PrettyTerm.

We introduce some notational conveniences for pretty lambda terms.

Notation "` x" := (PrettyTerm.Var x) (at level 20).
Notation "\ x ~> M" := (PrettyTerm.Lam x M) (at level 30).
Infix "$" := PrettyTerm.App (at level 25, left associativity).

Example prettier :
  (\"f" ~> `"f" $ \"x" ~> `"x" $ `"y") =
  PrettyTerm.Lam "f"
      (PrettyTerm.Var "f")
      (PrettyTerm.Lam "x"
          (PrettyTerm.Var "x")
          (PrettyTerm.Var "y")))).
Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed.

Since we don't really want to work with pretty (named) terms, we provide a function dename for converting pretty terms to De Bruijn terms.

Fixpoint lookup (s: string) (ls: list (string × nat)) : option nat :=
  match ls with
  | nilNone
  | (x, n) :: tif string_dec x s then Some n else lookup s t

Fixpoint hide (s: string) (ls: list (string × nat)) : list (string × nat) :=
  match ls with
  | nil(s, 0) :: nil
  | (x, n) :: tif string_dec x s then (x, 0) :: hide s t else (x, n + 1) :: hide s t

Fixpoint dename' (t: PrettyTerm.pterm) (binds: list (string × nat)) : lterm :=
  match t with
  | PrettyTerm.Var smatch lookup s binds with
             | Some nVar n
             | NoneVar 0
  | PrettyTerm.Lam s tLam (dename' t (hide s binds))
  | PrettyTerm.App t1 t2App (dename' t1 binds) (dename' t2 binds)

Definition dename (t : PrettyTerm.pterm) : lterm :=
  dename' t nil.

Coercion dename : PrettyTerm.pterm >-> lterm.

To convince ourselves of the correctness of dename, let us briefly look at what it does to the combinators K and S.

Example k_comb : dename (\"x" ~> \"y" ~> `"x") = Lam (Lam (Var 1)).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Using the coercion defined above, the explicit call to dename can be removed (after reordering of the terms to coerce in the right direction).

Example k_comb_impl : Lam (Lam (Var 1)) = \"x" ~> \"y" ~> `"x".
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example s_comb :
  Lam (Lam (Lam (App (App (Var 2) (Var 0)) (App (Var 1) (Var 0))))) =
   \"x" ~> \"y" ~> \"z" ~> `"x" $ `"z" $ (`"y" $ `"z").
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.