Library Beta

Require Import Relation_Operators.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Compare_dec.

Require Import Untyped.
Require Import Subst.

Module Export Beta.


Inductive bred : ltermltermProp :=
  | bred_base : t1 t2,
      bred (App (Lam t1) t2) (subst 0 t2 t1)
  | bred_lam : t1 t2,
      bred t1 t2bred (Lam t1) (Lam t2)
  | bred_appl : t1 t2 t3,
      bred t1 t2bred (App t1 t3) (App t2 t3)
  | bred_appr : t1 t2 t3,
      bred t1 t2bred (App t3 t1) (App t3 t2).

Consider the following two examples of one-step beta reduction.

Example triv_bred : bred ((\"x" ~> `"x") $ `"y") (`"y").
Proof. apply bred_base. Qed.

Example inner_bred :
  bred ((\"x" ~> (\"y" ~> `"x" $ `"y") $ `"z") $ `"y") ((\"x" ~> `"x" $ `"z") $ `"y").
Proof. apply bred_appl. apply bred_lam. apply bred_base. Qed.

bred is closed under applications of lift

Lemma bred_lift_closed:
   M N, b k,
    bred M Nbred (lift k b M) (lift k b N).
  induction M.
  inversion_clear H.

  inversion_clear H.
  apply IHM. assumption.

  inversion_clear H.
  rewrite lift_distr_subst. replace (b - 0) with b by omega.
  apply bred_base. omega.

  simpl. constructor. auto.

  simpl. constructor. auto.

Reflexive-transitive closure of beta reduction

Definition bstar := clos_refl_trans lterm bred.
Definition bstar_step := rt_step lterm bred.
Definition bstar_refl := rt_refl lterm bred.
Definition bstar_trans := rt_trans lterm bred.

Again, we consider a simple example of the multi-step reduction relation.

Example bred_halt :
  bstar ((\"x" ~> (\"y" ~> `"x" $ `"y") $ `"z") $ `"y") (`"y" $ `"z").
  apply bstar_trans with ((\"x" ~> `"x" $ `"z") $ `"y").
  apply bstar_step. apply inner_bred.
  apply bstar_step. apply bred_base.

Some general properties of bstar

Lemma bstar_reflexive:
   M, bstar M M.
  apply rt_refl.

We now prove bstar is closed under all lambda terms

Lemma bstar_lam_closed:
   M N,
    bstar M Nbstar (Lam M) (Lam N).
  dependent induction H.
  constructor. constructor. assumption.
  apply rt_refl.
  apply rt_trans with (Lam y); assumption.

Lemma bstar_app_closed_l:
   M M' N,
    bstar M M'bstar (App M N) (App M' N).
  dependent induction H.
  constructor. constructor. assumption.
  apply rt_refl.
  apply rt_trans with (App y N); assumption.

Lemma bstar_app_closed_r:
   M N N',
    bstar N N'bstar (App M N) (App M N').
  dependent induction H.
  constructor. constructor. assumption.
  apply rt_refl.
  apply rt_trans with (App M y); assumption.

Lemma bstar_app_closed:
   M M' N N',
    bstar M M'bstar N N'bstar (App M N) (App M' N').
  intros ? ? ? ?. intros H1 H2.
  apply rt_trans with (App M N').
  apply bstar_app_closed_r. assumption.
  apply bstar_app_closed_l. assumption.

bstar is closed under the basic beta reduction

Lemma bstar_bred_closed:
   M M' N,
         bstar M M'bstar (App (Lam M) N) (subst 0 N M').
  dependent induction H.
  apply rt_trans with (App (Lam y) N).
  apply bstar_app_closed. apply bstar_lam_closed. constructor. assumption.
  apply rt_refl. apply rt_step. apply bred_base.
  constructor. apply bred_base.
  apply rt_trans with (App (Lam y) N).
  apply bstar_app_closed. apply bstar_lam_closed. assumption.
  apply rt_refl.

bstar is also closed under applications of lift, like bred

Lemma bstar_lift_closed:
   M N, b k,
    bstar M Nbstar (lift k b M) (lift k b N).

  dependent induction H.

  constructor. apply bred_lift_closed. assumption.

  apply rt_refl.

  apply rt_trans with (lift k b y); assumption.

bstar is closed under variable substitution, like all compatible relations

Lemma bstar_weak_subst:
   M, k, N N',
    bstar N N'bstar (subst k N M) (subst k N' M).
  dependent induction M.
  case_eq (nat_compare n k).
  rewrite nat_compare_eq_iff. intros.
  apply bstar_lift_closed. assumption.

  intros. apply rt_refl.
  intros. apply rt_refl.

  simpl. apply bstar_lam_closed. apply IHM. assumption.

  simpl. apply bstar_app_closed; auto.

The is the most useful statement: bstar is also substitutive, giving complete (parallel) closure under subst

Lemma bstar_subst_closed:
   M M' N N',
   bstar M M'bstar N N'bstar (App (Lam M) N) (subst 0 N' M').
  apply rt_trans with (App (Lam M) N').
  apply bstar_app_closed. apply bstar_lam_closed. apply rt_refl. assumption.
  apply bstar_bred_closed. assumption.

Parallel beta reduction

Inductive beta_par : ltermltermProp :=
  | beta_par_var: n,
        beta_par (Var n) (Var n)
  | beta_par_lam: M M',
        beta_par M M'beta_par (Lam M) (Lam M')
  | beta_par_app: M M' N N',
        beta_par M M'beta_par N N'beta_par (App M N) (App M' N')
  | beta_par_base: M M' N N',
        beta_par M M'
        beta_par N N'
        beta_par (App (Lam M) N) (subst 0 N' M').

Again, we prove a couple of useful results about beta_par
Parallel beta reduction is reflexive on all lterm's

Lemma beta_par_refl:
   t, beta_par t t.
  induction t.
  apply beta_par_var.
  apply beta_par_lam.
  apply IHt.
  apply beta_par_app.

Parallel beta subsumes bred

Lemma bred_imp_beta_par:
   M N,
    bred M Nbeta_par M N.
  dependent induction H;
  constructor; try apply beta_par_refl; try assumption.

beta_par implies bstar

Lemma beta_par_imp_bstar:
   M N,
    beta_par M Nbstar M N.
  dependent induction H.
  apply rt_refl.
  apply bstar_lam_closed. assumption.
  apply bstar_app_closed; assumption.
  apply bstar_subst_closed; assumption.

beta_par is closed under shift k

Lemma beta_par_shift:
   k, M M', beta_par M M'beta_par (shift k M) (shift k M').
  generalize dependent k.
  dependent induction H.
  intros. apply beta_par_refl.
  intros. unfold shift. simpl. apply beta_par_lam.
      apply IHbeta_par.
  intros. unfold shift. simpl. constructor.
      apply IHbeta_par1.
      apply IHbeta_par2.
  unfold shift. simpl. rewrite lift_distr_subst.
  replace (k - 0) with k by omega.
  replace (lift 1) with shift.
  apply beta_par_base.
      apply IHbeta_par1.
      apply IHbeta_par2.

Transitive closure of beta_par
We now show the equivalence between bstar and the transitive closure of beta_par

Lemma bstar_eq_closure_of_beta_par:
   M N,
    bstar M N beta_par_trans M N.

  dependent induction H.
  constructor. apply bred_imp_beta_par. assumption.
  constructor. apply beta_par_refl.
  apply t_trans with y; assumption.

  dependent induction H.
  apply beta_par_imp_bstar. assumption.

  apply rt_trans with y; assumption.

End Beta.